NIMAK is the people who work at our company. After all, people can do something no machine in the world can do: Listen, read between the lines, understand customer demands and develop new ideas that haven't even been thought of yet. And those are exactly the strengths of our team. Many of our employees have been in the company for many years and usually work together with the same customer long-term. For you that means: You have a point of contact who precisely understands your requirements and who speaks your language. You simply know each other and know you can rely on the other person. We are sure that things just don’t work right without this kind of responsible and reliable cooperation. It is the prerequisite for the innovative strength that sets us apart and that our customers so highly esteem.
A team of more than 250 employees
NIMAK – behind this short company name lies a team of 250 employees who cover Germany. They work in highly varied areas: in production and manufacturing, in research and development, in service and sales, in administration and in many others. And even though the tasks and individual personalities differ greatly, everyone in the NIMAK team has something very important in common: the passion for the highest customer orientation and quality.
The best part? As a member of the TÜNKERS Group, we share this passion with 1500 other colleagues in 13 subsidiaries from all over the world.
At the top: our two CEO’s
With the takeover of the majority share in NIMAK GmbH by TÜNKERS Maschinenbau GmbH in July 2020, the managing partners, Olaf Tünkers and André Tünkers, also joined the management of NIMAK GmbH. This commitment shows on the one hand the great importance of NIMAK for the TÜNKERS Group and on the other hand the goal of leading NIMAK successfully into the future on a growth course in close connection with the group.